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To be Happy in Life, Fear less, Vent anger, Forgive human error, Communicate Love; Life is a Learning process, Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk, and Be Happy doing it. copyright1996 nwoods

Search Engines
Google One of the leading search engines on the net.
Lukol This search engine pulls from 12 other search engines. One of the best of the best.
Yahoo! With over half a million sites divided into more than 25,000 categories, Yahoo! is both browseable and searchable.
InfoSeek GO Network is a new brand that brings together the very best of the Internet in one, easy to use place.

Favorite Sites
Christian Directory Home Pages Great site to find other home pages and Christian sites.
Gospel Trail An exciting Christian Page that has many chat sites, internet broadcasts, poems and much more.

Join in the fun in the Singles and Divorced Meeting Place... You'll find me there admining as Hi ImTddy, and talking to my friends :)

Spotlife Great Place to put out Christian Material... Do Live Broadcasts, Taped messages, Daily Devotionals, etc.
711 Net Online Full range of Christian sites. If you want to advertise your company, this is the place to go. Also to get the word out about God's teaching.
Cross Daily Loads of links and stores, all Christian material. Very well done site, a must see.

ILOVEJESUS.COM The Web Community for Christians...
The Medicine Program Need Help in getting prescription medicine... ck out this site.
Iowa Protection and Advocacy

www.cismc.org  Crisis Intervention Services of Mahaska, Keokuk, and Marion Counties

God Bless You As You Learn To Fly...