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I would like to introduce to you, my new products page... Please be patient, Still Under Construction :)

Below you will find new products, as they are being developed.  Enjoy browsing and I hope you find something you like...

angelNflight's Poetry, in spoken form.

These are poems spoken by Nancy Woods, creator and copyright owner.  Each CD contains on average 35 poems.  They can be played in any CD player, or saved to your harddrive.  Each CD is $ 5.95 plus $ 1.95 Shipping and Handling, or you can buy a set of Two for $ 9.95 plus $ 2.95 Shipping and Handling.  See Contact page for Email address.  Orders shipped within 4 weeks.

<<<click on CD to hear example, Accepting Risk For The Change by Nancy Woods aka angelNflight

angelNflight's Poetry on Floppy Disk...

These are poems,  in written form.  Written Floppies are $ 4.95 plus $1.00 S&H.  This has approx.100 poems on each floppy disk.

Click on Disk to see poem site>>>

angelNflight's Book of Poetry

angelNflight's Poetry in easy access notebook style.  Set with faded angel pictures, and poetry overlayed.  This is a full collection of 100 poems.  $ 19.95 plus 4.95 Shipping and Handling. 

angelNflight's poetry on Inspiration Wallet Cards

Inspiriational wallet cards, with faded pictures of angels, and angelNflight's poetry overlayed.  $ .95 for each card plus $ .50 Shipping and Handling, or 10 for $ 7.95 plus $ 1.95 Shipping and Handling.

angelNflight's Poetry on Bookmarks

Beautiful bookmarks laminated with angel faded pictures, and poetry overlayed.  $ .95 plus $ .50 Shipping and Handling.

angelNflight's Songs on CD

angelNflight Singing Love songs, and Country Music on CD.  $ 7.95 plus $ 1.95 Shipping and Handling.  Includes a song written by Nancy Woods "Are You Ready To Fly?" (click on picture on Home Page to hear)

click on CD to hear example>>>
On the Side of Angels

Christian Teen Survival Guide is a work book for teenagers to determine, who they are, and who they want to be. It walks them through the maturing process, of sorting values, setting their moral code, dating, and finding their calling for God's service. Price to be determined.

Uniquely You is the second in a series of seven teen guide books. This one delves further into the unique creation of each teen as a child of God. Price to be determined.
Christian Teen Survival Guide- written by Nancy Woods 2002


Uniquely You- written by Nancy Woods 2002


Description of Product


God Bless you Richly as you travel your path in Life...