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Welcome to Angels Serenity Poems.
These Poems were all written from the heart, with a guide from Our Savior Jesus Christ. I hope you enjoy them, and can find one you would like to share with a friend or family member. May the Peace of the Holy Spirit rest gently on your soul today.

All Poems are written by Nancy Woods and she owns the copyrights. There is a link on the Home Page, the About Us page, and on the Whats New page, so you can see all the kinds of Poems, and pictures to choose from.
Right click and zoom in to read poems. This works on all but the top picture, go to poem page to read it.

Can't See Heaven For the Clouds
This poem is very special to me, because I wrote it after suffering for 2 years with a major Clinical Depression from pain. If you know someone who suffers from Depression, this is the poem to get for them.
Angel Kisses
Very nice nighttime poem for childrens room.
Angels Wedding Day
For someone who is re-dedicating their life to Jesus Christ.
Life is Uncertain
An important reminder of the power of prayer and how important it is to our daily lives on Earth.
Not Their Time
An excellent gift for someone who has lost a baby, or is grieving over a mis-carriage.
Enjoying the glorious splendor of God's handiwork in the Rainbow. A symbol to man, that there would never be another world flood.
Heaven's Glory
An interpretation of what Heaven will be like.

All Framed Poems are $ 5.95 plus $ 2.95 shipping and handling ($ 9.90 total). If you want just the single sheet poem, they are $ 1.95 Plus $ 1.00 shipping and handling ($ 2.95 total). Please see Contact page for Email Address, and Email your request. I will respond with my address and total of your bill. Money Orders only. Orders processed within 4 weeks.